This post is in response to a video I saw ImSarahSnitch record on her YouTube channel. It is a 7 question disney pin tag which I really wanted to share.
1. Which is your oldest pin?
Of course I couldn't pick just one pin. These pins were released in 2003 and that is when I believe I started collecting. Therefore these may not be my oldest pins but they are the first ones I physically remember having as a child.
The first Belle pin unfortunately broke and I lost the top part which was a mirror compact. The two other princess pins featured on a 4 piece lanyard set and I traded the other two identical pins. The final pin features stitch reading to some ducklings and I find this pin to be adorable despite me not being a big fan of Lilo & Stitch.
2.Which is your newest pin?
My most recent pin I purchased on Ebay after seeing a couple other sellers offer it at ridiculous prices. So when I saw this Mary Poppins pin up at a good price I snatched it up right away. It celebrates the movies 50th anniversary and features Mary Poppins, Bert and the Penguins.

3. A pin that features your favourite character.
These two pins obviously relate to Mary Poppins. The carousel pin on the left I found at a Flea Market in Florida and I really want the Bert pin to match.
The pin on the right I bought when we saw Mary Poppins on Broadway and I loved the show.
4. A pin with a year or date on it.
5. A pin that has a funny story behind it.
I don't know if this story is necessarily funny but here goes. My dad wanted me to go on the Tower of Terror ride at MGM/Hollywood Studios with him so he actually bribed me with the incentive that I could buy a pin after the ride. So I braved the ride, hated it and got this pin to commemorate the experience.

6. A pin with the most sentimental value.
These two pins are sentimental for different reasons. The left one I got on a school trip to France in which we visited Disneyland Paris and of course I had to get a pin to remind me of the trip. The right pin coincidentally is also from DLP but it was my first traded pin at Downtown Disney in Orlando.
7. A pin that took you the longest to find.
I wouldn't say it took the longest to find but I had been on the hunt for a Carousel Of Progress pin and this just happened to pop up on Ebay. With the help of my dad we bid on it and won( the only pin I've ever won on Ebay). The owner lived not far from my grandparents and therefore we agreed to pick it up ourselves. The lady was selling her sons collection and I got this pin for super good price and I ended up buying more pins at the sellers house.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my pins I've not only created this post but recorded a video over on my YouTube channel which you can see below.
Until next time, Sophie x
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