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Pages: 289 Rating: 3/5 ©Sophie Sternschuss Instagram |
So after reading The Book Thief I was in desperate need of reading something more light hearted and an easy read. So I decided it was the perfect time to read Joan Rivers "Diary Of A Mad Diva" which I picked up last month (actually 2 days after her passing). As you can see from the image above this little gem is a signed copy and as soon as I saw it I grabbed it and put it in my basket! Its amazing to think she once touched this book and seeing as it was the only signed one there it was definitely meant to be that I had it.
Needless to say this book is Joan therefore should probably be read from the age of 16 upwards as it contains adult themes and bold comedy on somewhat sensitive issues. At the front of the book Joan/her publicist states that this book should definitely be taken with a pinch of salt! I say if you didn't like Joan's humour don't read it.
This book is unlike Joan's other books as it's in a diary form covering a whole year (2013). She doesn't necessarily write every day and somedays all you get is a sentence or two but realistically who really sits everyday writing pages and pages in their diary? I certainly don't. This book is just shy of 300 pages so its easily read within a day or two and would be perfect to read by the pool or beach. For the more avid readers this book would be really good to read between long books or to get through a reading slump.
I found it really poignant to read Joan's entry's around her birthday as she talks about being 80 and her thoughts on dying. The same with her new years entry as she talks about ringing in 2015 which we now know won't happen.
Overall this book is just a good laugh, an easy read and should be taken very light heartedly.
I gave this book 3/5.
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